Chelsea Building new Bridges

Chelsea Building new Bridges

Blog Article

It appears the seeds are being laid by the Chelsea hierarchy to up sticks from Stamford Bridge and build a new home for the club, whilst no official statement has been made, the proce s of buying back shares from a group of pitch owners has raised suspicions. This has angered some Chelsea fans who have started a petition to prevent the sale and any proposed move to a new stadium but sentiment aside and looking at the bigger picture is a move part of the natural progre sion for securing both a future and succe s for the club?Set in the fashionable Kings Road in Fulham, Stamford Bridge has housed Chelsea since the club formed in 1905. Over the years it has experienced a few face lifts D'Angelo Russell Jersey to cater for growth, from the removal of both the race track around the pitch and the car park behind the goal, to the modern look it has today, but like any expanding family, Chelsea have outgrown their home. The recent succe s has seen a rapid rise in supporters not just locally and nationally but globally and in turn seen a high demand in ticket sales. Stamford Bridge has a maximum capacity of around 43,000 and with no further space to expand the stadium; the evolution of the club has halted and become handicapped by its own surroundings.Sadly football is no longer a sport it is a busine s, the majority of Premier League clubs are either spending beyond their means or using money from their cash rich owners in order to either retain their status or to compete for silverware. Chelsea is fortunate to have an owner with deep pockets, but relying on a single point of wealth is a dangerous position to be in. Whilst we as fans have enjoyed the free spending days, there needs to come a time where Chelsea come back to reality and have a contingency plan in place for when Mr Abramovich is no longer around. If the fans want to continue to compete both domestically and in Europe, Chelsea need to become self sufficient as a club and follow in the same footsteps as the majority of the football league clubs who survive off the received revenue from match days and sponsorship. From a busine s perspective it makes sense to move to a new stadium that can house more supporters and in turn bring in more money and allow the club to grow Keven Durant Jersey .Emotionally the question does pose a completely different reaction and I understand those who have concerns and ties to the bridge. I loved having my season ticket (until family commitments halted it). Sitting in my seat in the Matthew Harding Lower stand, Gate 16, Row G, seat 93, I have my own fond and cherished memories, so of course I would be sad to see a ground I know as the home of football, stripped of its purpose.However over my 24 years I have followed the club both home and away and my love and pa sion for Chelsea has never changed due to a geographical location. Whilst it is nice to have the familiar surroundings every other week, it is the team I follow not the ground. Chelsea will be Chelsea regardle s of playing at Stamford Bridge, Julius Erving Jersey Battersea or Earls Court.For once the board have a plan that demonstrates some reality and longevity and more importantly a way to securing a future away from the riches of a sugar daddy. I applaud the fact that this is even in consideration and can only see this move as a positive step in the right direction. This proposed move would allow the opportunity to secure a long term future and one that could continue to bring long term succe s
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